12/June – Mediawave Festival, Mindszentkálla, Hungary Choreography, dance, set, costume, visual: Batarita
Under the Sky
Creator-performer: Batarita Albertirsa, Fülöpháza, Hungary

International co-production. Creator-performer: Batarita, Karas (J) Egerszólát, Ceglédbercel, Budapest (Hopp Ferenc Museum of Asiatic Arts), Hungary
Quiet Power

International co-production. Creator-performer: Batarita, Karas (J) Egerszólát, Ceglédbercel, Budapest (Hopp Ferenc Museum of Asiatic Arts), Hungary

Batarita's solo in Busan, in Korea.

Batarita's solo in Daegu, in Korea.

International co-production in Tongyeon, in Korea. Creator-performer: Batarita, Anne-Mareike Hess (Lux), Christine Bonansea Saulut (USA-Fra), Shin Eunju (Kor), Gang Mi Hee (Kor)

International co-production. Jeju, International Improvisation Dance Festival, Korea

International co-production. Creator-performer: Batarita, Mike NORD (USA) Jeju, International Improvisation Dance Festival, Korea
Liquid Dream
Ellend– Hangfarm Festival – wine maker house, field / Dánszentmiklós – soccer ground / Albertirsa – church, cemetery garden / Mikebuda – school garden, bell tower, corn field
Honey From My Blood

Ellend– Hangfarm Festival – wine maker house, field / Dánszentmiklós – soccer ground / Albertirsa – church, cemetery garden / Mikebuda – school garden, bell tower, corn field
Mad Flower
Dánszentmiklós – soccer ground / Albertirsa – church, cemetery garden / Mikebuda – school garden, bell tower, corn field / Ceglédbercel – privat garden / Egerszólát – soccer ground
Dánszentmiklós – soccer ground / Albertirsa – church, cemetery garden / Mikebuda – school garden, bell tower, corn field / Ceglédbercel – privat garden / Egerszólát – soccer ground
Hidden Dimensions
USA , New York Stony Brook – coproduction (HUN+JAP) with Karas and SEKINO Hideo

Osanbashi Pier, Yokohama, Japan / Mediawave Festival, Komarom, Hungary
Hidden Dimensions X
Budapest – outdoor of National Dance Theater,
On the Way
Budapest – stairs of Juranyi Incubator House, with KEREK Istvan violin
Budapest – front of St.Istvan Basilica, Blaha Lujza squer, Simpla Garden
Budapest, Hungary
Schlossbröllin, Germany, Ex…It!11 5th International Dance-Exchange Project , coproduction with Alessandro Pintus(I), Atsushi Takenouchi(J), Ken Mai(J), Masaki Iwana(J)
Her Fire
Schlossbröllin, Germany, Ex…It!11 5th International Dance-Exchange Project
Mandel Branch
Budapest, Hungary, Merlin Theater

Csónakázótó, Budapest, Hungary
Café Budapest contemporary Art Festival, Hungary, with GRENCSÓ István sax
Romania, Transilvania, Kaszon, Minimum Party Festival
Walk with You
Tokyo, Shibuya, Japan coproduction with TANAKA Seiji(J)
Tokyo, Japan, Harajuku / Summer – Snakevillage, South Korea
Shopping and...
Dance Commando, Budapest, Hungary, Mamut Shopping centre
Pécs, Hungary, Art University
German-Turkish-Hungarian site-specific co-oproduction Music: Xrc(Kovács Balázs)(H)-computer, Peter Eisold-dob(D), Ayse Sezer-oboa(Tr) Dance: batarita június 29. Location: public spaces of Pécs, 3 actions

Komárom, Hungary, Fort Monostor – Foreground of bunker, Mediawave Festival
Hot Like Metal
Komárom, Hungary, Fort Monostor – Bakery Museum, Mediawave Festival
Balls in Circle
Piliscsaba, Hungary – In the circle shaped building
Stuck to the Window

Budapest, Hungary, Gödör Club, Cable-Mother Computer Music and Dance Festival
Ingrata Persona

Paris-France, Mains d’oevre – In the freight elevator
Design and Dance

Budapest, Hungary, Andrássy str. – In the Design shop
Budapest, Hungary, Merlin Theatre – Stairway
Shopping Window Like

Budapest, Hungary, Andrássy st. – Design shop’s window
On in Ruins
Budapest, Hungary, Fő st. – In the ruin of the Middle ages
Trafo Traffic
arts in public spaces, guided bus tour in Budapest
Komárom, Hungary, Fort Monostor – Stable, Mediawave Festival
Budapest, Hungary, Millenáris Theatre – On the wall

Budapest, Hungary, Millenáris Theatre – In the artificial labirynth
False Fish
Budapest, Hungary, Trafo House of Contemporary Arts Final presentation of the workshop held by Joel Borges – Cie Ixkizit (F)